ACR GlobalFIX™ V6 CAT II, V6 EPIRB with Return Link Service and Mobile App
ACR, the world leader in electronic marine safety devices, introduces a new high tech EPIRB (Emergency Positioning Radio Beacon). The new ACR GlobalFix V6 EPIRB uses 406 MHz satellite connectivity to transmit emergency signals to the global Cospas Sarsat satellite rescue system.
Return Link Service (RLS) technology provides visual confirmation to the user that their distress message has been received. A 121.5 MHz homing signal helps rescuers find the activated beacon when they are on scene. Visible and infrared strobe lights aid in target identification at night or when visibility is limited speeding rescue and recovery. A new feature called Near Field Communication (NFC) lets users monitor their EPIRB’s functions using a smartphone App. ACR is dedicated to marine safety and the new GlobalFix V6 EPIRB provides sophisticated rescue technology in a durable and reliable device that works globally.
- No Subscription Required
- 406 MHz Cospas Sarsat Distress Signal (MEOSAR Compatible)
- 121.5 MHz Local Homing Signal
- RLS (Return Link Service) Functionality
- Smartphone connectivity via NFC (Near Field Communication)
- GPS | Galileo | Glonass GNSS
- Strobe and Infrared Strobe
- Global Coverage
- Small and lightweight
- 10 year battery life
- >= 48 hours Operational Life